I’m Back!
Whew! And just like that, there goes a year and 8 months.
I won’t bore you with lamenting about what a terrible blogger I’ve been, instead let’s talk about all the cool stuff I’ve done since my last post!
Since April 2014:
I moved back to Nova Scotia from Manitoba to start my job at the Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit. It was a happy/sad moment. I really loved Winnipeg and all the people I met and worked with there, but I was also really pumped to be able to live in the same province as my husband again, and start my new position working with health researchers in the Maritimes (and the Maritimes rock)!
Weathered the Terrible, No Good Winter of 2014-2015 (good thing I had spent the last winter in Winterpeg, I was totally mentally prepared).
Driveway ice!
Was an author on my first peer-reviewed research publication. I know, I wasn’t first author or anything, but even the most prestigious of authors has to start somewhere!
Jensen JL, Carter AJ, Rose J, Visintini S, Bourdon E, Brown R, McVey J, Travers AH. Alternatives to Traditional EMS Dispatch and Transport: A Scoping Review of Reported Outcomes. CJEM. 2015 Sep;17(5):532-50. doi: 10.1017/cem.2014.59. Epub 2015 Mar 18. PubMed PMID: 26014661.http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/cem.2014.59
Ran a leg of the Cabot Trail Relay Race (24 hr relay around the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton, NS)
Cabot Trail, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
Was an author in my first conference abstract for a lightning talk at the Cochrane Colloquium in Vienna (sadly I didn’t represent the team in Vienna).
Parker RM, Visintini S, Ritchie KC, Hayden JA. Online systematic review methods training resources: environmental scan and identification of key characteristics. Cochrane Colloquium Vienna [Internet]. Cochrane; 2015 [cited 3 December 2015]. Available from: https://colloquium.cochrane.org/abstracts/online-systematic-review-methods-training-resources-environmental-scan-and-identification
Joined the School of Information Management School of Information Management Alumni Association Executive
Went on an awesome trip to Scotland with my grandfather
Got accepted for a couple of submissions to Mosaic 2016, the joint MLA/CHLA/ABSC/ICLC Conference in Toronto next Spring (I’ll try to post more about that soon)
All in all, it’s been an amazing (nearly) two years, both personally and professionally. I must admit that this post feels like I’m tooting my own horn, but I think sometimes it’s important to look back and celebrate those big and little successes, in order to plan for the future!
I’m excited to dust this blog off and getting back to posting about things that interest me professionally. Hopefully this will be a valuable read to a few (ya, they say, now she’s humble), but also serve as a good exercise for me to take time to be thoughtful and strategic about what’s going on in my field and around me at work.